Marketing personalisation is everywhere, and in abundance. So much so that as a consumer it goes by somewhat unnoticed.
Your suggested watch list for Netflix, your product recommendations on Amazon. Your yearly round-up on Spotify.
All of the above companies frequently market through user personalisation, and guess why? It works.
Marketers now know that consumers want to be appreciated and noticed by businesses, in fact in a recent study it was concluded that 94% of customers and marketing professionals said personalisation is “important,” “very important,” or “extremely important.”
By now you would expect that B2C marketers have come to terms with the fact that personalised marketing is, in fact, the future of the marketing industry. Now more than ever people are spending more time at home with their devices, whether it’s remote working, homeschooling, watching movies or even buying groceries online, we are reliant on digital technology.
Consumers are too accustomed to tolerating anything less than highly targeted personalised content from brands and for marketers, which may pose a problem. How can you possibly personalise content for thousands of customers without overworking your marketing team?
Ask The Right Questions
An effective way to segment your audience for personalisation is to simply just ask questions.
Asking your customers why they visit your website is the first step in detailed personalisation, follow that question with what they are looking for and how they found your site, collecting this data to review will help you understand the journey your customers are taking to view your site or purchase a product.
Where can we see this in action?
Clothing retailer asks users their gender, preferred brands, styles, and garment colour preferences before even showing the consumer a product.
Why do they do this?
Removing the filtering and “scrolling” aspect away from a potential customer is a clever way to influence a user to make a purchase.
Monitor user behaviour and make it useful!
With the right tools in place, businesses and marketers can securely collect user data with every click throughout the user journey.
When marketers know exactly what a consumer is searching for or frequently visiting, they know exactly what content to produce to deliver an incentive to sell or achieve the desired goal.
To gather this data, marketers should track metrics such as email opens, link clicks, enquiries and even purchasing behaviours. Ultimately the more data that is collected, the more effective and personalised the content can be.
By monitoring existing customer data, marketers can create audience segmentation to identify users as future customers.
Here at Unity we regularly utilise audience segmentation, track data and target our content and ads for our clients that will generate leads on Google, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram.
Let’s take a look at this in action
This example is what you will find in Facebook Ads Manager when detailing a target audience, as you can see this audience is classed as refined.
Facebook has allowed us to select Women, Between the ages of 25-35 who live in London and who match the demographics of being an Engaged Shopper for Online Shopping and who ALSO have additional interests in Clothing and Fashion.
You can include more detailed targeted such as Exclusions, Languages and Audience Expansions.
With this targeted detailing, we can expect that the users receiving the Ad content would be personalised within their behaviours, interests and demographics.
Personalised Email Marketing
For many years the ‘one size fits all’ email messaging format has become stale. Consumers no longer click on sales emails and by creating such will likely lose you valuable customer data through unsubscriptions.
Instead, leverage your customer data and segmentation to create clickable personalised email campaigns.
Email subject lines that are personalised on average generate 50% more open rates than those that don’t, and in a study conducted by liveclicker an overall of 55% of consumers have stated that they like email messages that contain relevant products and offers.
Its now fact that most of us are now receiving personalised and tailored emails to our inbox, here’s an example:
Spotify’s #yearwrapped campaign is a form of user personalisation at its finest. Throughout the year Spotify has recorded all of your listening habits including your top 10 played songs, your most chosen artists, podcasts and genres, all the way down to what time of day you picked up the headphones and started listening.
Spotify’s personalised yearly roundup has become one of the most well-known forms of marketing there is, so much so that it has become a viral social trend.
Put your data into action
So now you’ve asked the right questions, your in your customer’s inbox and you’ve securely recorded customer data.
Now you can leverage your user data and use it to maximise your sales and draw in potential leads through personalised marketing.
Need some guidance? Speak to Unity today.

Further reading…
Top 3 Companies that delivered viral personalisation campaigns
Cadbury’s created a personalised video campaign that matched Dairy Milk flavours with users based on data recorded from their Facebook profile, including age, interest and location. The campaign was widely successful and generated a 65% click-through rate and a 33.6% conversion rate, proving personalisation really works.
Nike launched a data-driven personalised video campaign provided by individuals data collected from Nike+ customers. Each user received a 1-minute video of a generalised male or female character running through a personalised video pulling information such as location, activity, food recorded and Nike+ movement data. The campaign was titled ‘Outdo You’ and was created to motivate its user while keeping customer retention.
EasyJet launched a data-driven email campaign to celebrate their 20th anniversary. The email used customer data to build narratives from their travel history and where they may want to visit next. A total of 12,478,608 personalised emails where sent and open click rates were 100% higher than the average newsletter.